The Science Behind the Fretlight Method

The Case Study

Research regarding the benefits of the Fretlight Learning System has been independently conducted by Wichita State University and the University of Central Florida and is now conclusive. In the May 27, 2014, edition of Frontiers in Psychology, a peer review panel representing academic institutions in the USA, UK and Belgium analyzed the methodologies and results of several case studies over a many months using Fretlight Guitars.

Conclusive Results

The article supports the finding that the Fretlight Learning System enables cognitive brain processes that dramatically surpass traditional methods of learning. “By ‘offloading’ information directly onto the guitar, the Fretlight system lessens barriers to learning by reducing the cognitive transfer between diagram and instrument, i. e. "less back and forth means faster learning,” said Dr. Joseph Keebler, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Director of TRACE Lab at Wichita State.

The Bottom line

The end result for the player is faster learning and better retention with Fretlight, period. And not surprisingly, the long-term studies also found that after using a Fretlight guitar for several months, players reported that learning and playing guitar was so much more enjoyable that they wanted to keep playing and learning new things. No matter what you want to learn, chord inversions, scales, triads, songs, etc., the Fretlight method can make you a better player in less time than any other method.

Read the Case Study

Download the full case study below. Read for yourself how Fretlight scientifucally helps players of all ages and levels.

Shifting the paradigm of music instruction: implications of embodiment stemming from an augmented reality guitar learning system