What Can you Do With a Fretlight Guitar?

Learn Chords and Scales
The Guitar Tunes app has a free chord and scale library with over 5,000 chord and scale patterns to choose from - in any key. Light-up the entire fretboard or just one of the many box patterns along the neck. Or use one of the Jam Along songs in Guitar Tunes to improvise using any scale or play along with the rhythm using the chord tones for the song.

Play FREE Tablature
Whether its Guitar Pro software for your PC/Mac, or the Guitar Pro Mobile app for iPhone/iPad, you can download thousands of free tabs/songs from the web and watch them light up on your Fretlight. Loop any section, slow it down, change keys or change to a custom tuning, and more! Guitar Pro even has a full chord and scale library so you can even show a scale and improvise!

Take an Interactive Video Guitar Lesson
Our Guitar Tunes app lets you download over 100 interactive videos that light-up the Fretlight as the teacher in the video is playing. Whether it be lessons or Artist videos or Lick videos, we have it all so you can keep learning quickly and efficiently. You can loop an section or exercise and slow it down to learn it at your pace.
The Fretlight FG-623 Classic - Sunburst with White Pickguard
The Fretlight FG-623 Classic
The FG-623 Classic electric is an amazing guitar in every respect. The 623 has a classic Telecaster® body shape with an Alder body and a maple neck. The combination of the Advanced Polymer Fretboard and maple neck produces a noticeable increase in tone sustain. The two-way truss rod ensures that no matter what the environmental conditions, the neck remains straight and true.

Fretlight Features that give you an Edge

The Katana Fretlight Leveling System
We give every customer the option at the time of purchase to have their Fretlight guitar fret-leveled using the Katana Fret-Level system. We want your guitar playing great right out of box.
This system offers the highest precision available because it creates the exact progressive curve created by the string tension when sanding the frets. Fret leveling with the strings on and tuned to tension with the correct neck relief allows a fret level with best accuracy while removing the minimum amount of fret material.

PC, Mac, and Mobile. Your choice.
The Fretlight Wireless guitar connects to virtually any device. Whether you're in your home and want to work on a laptop, or on the road working with your tablet or at the beach with your phone, you can keep playing and never miss a beat.
The Fretlight system utilizes a long-life recharable Lithium-ion battery which is neatly tucked inside the body of the guitar. So whether you're sitting, standing, in a studio, or jamming at a friends house, you've got the freedom to have the Fretlight system under your fingers any time.

Bluetooth Connectivity
Bluetooth has become synonymous with freedom of movement. Whether your pairing a Bluetooth headset to your phone or the Fretlight to your tablet or computer, it just as simple. Enjoy the freedom to play anywhere.
The Fretlight Wireless guitar utilizes Bluetooth BLE technology. BLE stands for Bluetooth Low Energy which is now common on most all devices made after 2014. Your mobile device or computer must have Bluetooth BLE, commonly referred to as Bluetooth 4.0, to connect to a Fretlight Wireless guitar
Introducing The Fretlight Classroom
A Revolutionary Way To Teach Guitar!
An extraordinary way to use the patented Fretlight Learning System to teach an entire classroom of students to play guitar. Fretlight Classroom can connect up to 30 Fretlight Guitars and simultaneously display an Instructors lesson in real-time. Fretlight Classroom is a Bluetooth hub between a PC, Mac or Mobile device running Guitar Tunes or Guitar Pro software and up to 30 Fretlight Guitars.

The Fretlight Guitar and Guitar Pro
Now you can connect your Fretlight wireless guitar to your PC or Mac via Bluetooth and see tablature light up on the Fretlight's fingerboard. Browse and download the thousands of free tabs on the Ultimate Guitar website. Open the tab in and watch as the tab plays and your Fretlight shows you exactly where to play. Slow it down, loop it, change to a custom tuning and much more!
The concept is simple. Instead of looking back and forth from diagram to the guitar, just look down at the diagrams right on the neck. The result is that you learn faster, have more fun, and memorize quicker.