
Use your PC or Mac Computer

Use Your iPhone iPhone or iPad



Connecting your Fretlight to your laptop/desktop gives the screen real estate you need to navigate, create and play thousands of free tabs found online. Guitar Pro is simply the best tab program you can use and now its Fretlight wireless compatible.

Connect to your PC or Mac computer via Bluetooth and watch the magic happen. As the tab on the screen plays your Fretlight lights the way easily and clearly for you to get it right the first time. Slow it down, loop it, and more!

Guitar Pro has scales and lots of them! Highlight an are of the tab, choose scales and GP suggests the correct scales to use over that area. You can light up the entire fretboard or any customized section.

NEW! Fretlight is now compatible with Microsoft Surface Pro 3 devices.

Mobile devices give you the freedom to move. Connect your Fretlight guitar via Bluetooth instantly using the Guitar Tunes and Guitar Pro Mobile apps on your iPhone or iPad.

Take an interactive video lesson, learn songs, play tablature, learn chords and scales or jam and improvise over a progression. The new Chord Progression feature allows users to select and save a custom sequence, up to 4 chords, in any Key, Scale or Position and set a looping speed allowing players to practice any progression at their own pace! Your Fretlight lights-up during all these tasks showing you exactly where to put your fingers.

The Guitar Tunes App is FREE with in-app purchases for songs and videos. There's over 90 instructional videos in the Guitar Tunes library and remember, as the video plays, your Fretlight lights-up exactly what the teacher is playing. No other guitar learning system in the world does that!

The Guitar Pro Mobile App is $5.99 on the App Store and lets you import tab into your mobile device.


Apple iPhone or iPad, Generation 3 or greater (Bluetooth 4.0 or greater)

UPDATE 2/1/19: Thanks to one of our great customers they discovered that if you "clear Bluetooth cache in hidden apps" on your Android Mobile device, the Guitar Tunes app for Android and the Fretlight work!

For reference, here is the fix in Android 8.1 (Oreo) -
Go to System Settings > Apps and Notifications > select "See All" > in the top right corner select "Show System" > Bluetooth > Storage > Clear Cache


NOTE: There is an Android version of Guitar Tunes available on the Google Play store but we do not recommend it. Download it first to see if it will work on your Android device. There are over 1,200 Android devices and it is impossible to acquire and test all 1,200. We apologize for any inconvenience.