Guitar Pro Mobile App

For your iPhone or iPad

Guitar Pro Mobile is an app you download from the Apple App store. It's the little brother to Guitar Pro. Guitar Pro Mobile does the same thing as the Guitar Pro 7.6 desktop - it allows you to play tablature on your mobile device and most importantly, light it up on your Fretlight guitar.

Import Tab into your Mobile Device

Once you've downloaded the app from the App store, Guitar Pro Mobile makes it easy to import all those tabs you've downloaded to your computer. Just a couple of simple steps and your tabs are imported into your iPhone or iPad. They all appear in a nice handy list for you to navigate and choose.

Full Fretlight Functionality

You enable the Fretlight guitar functionality from the settings menu. Scroll down and you'll see a simple on/off slider for your Fretlight. You also have all of the important controls at your fingertips such as setting loops and controlling the tempo. Now you can use your Fretlight and your Tabs on the go with Guitar Pro Mobile.