What Happens After you Order a Guitar

All Guitars will ship within 2 business days of receipt of order payment. Thank you for understanding.
Every guitar we ship (including the ones listed on all other store's i.e. eBay, Amazon, Reverb, etc.) gets played by at least two different guitar techs/quality managers! We've been shipping guitars worldwide for over 20 years. While we strive to be perfect we know that the shipping process can wreak havoc on a guitar. We do our best to make sure that at the time of shipment, your guitar plays great. We box it up like every guitar is going to the moon and while we can't guarantee perfection, we think we come pretty close.
Here's our ordering, pre-shipment and shipping process. If you're an International customer, please add on additional delivery time.
1. You place your order either over the phone or on our website, fretlight.com.
2. A conformation email is immediately sent to you giving you all the pertinent details regarding your order.
3. The same day your order is received your guitar is brought from our warehouse to the pre-production area and assigned a guitar tech.
4. At that time the guitar tech reviews your order and pulls the necessary tools and products, if any, to complete your order (Did you order a guitar with an option that has to be installed?).
5. If you chose to have the optional Katana Fret-Level performed on your guitar, the tech notes that and prepares the guitar accordingly.
6. Your designated guitar tech finishes the work on your guitar.
7. The tech then alerts our quality manager to play your guitar. The guitar then sits overnight and is played one more time in the morning. Any final adjustments are made and a shipping label is created.
8. The guitar is moved to the shipping line and the logistics coordinator checks your order, pulls any additional products that go with your order and signs off on the paperwork, packs the box and moves your package to the active shipping area.
9. The shipper picks up your boxed guitar, scans it and it's off, en route to....YOU!