Rhythm in the First 5 - The Fretlight Guitar Store

Rhythm in the First 5

Regular price
$ 19.99 USD
Sale price
$ 19.99 USD


The “Rhythm in the First 5” video is the first video in a two-part series which explains the basics of playing rhythm and lead guitar. This video will get you playing basic chords using a variety of strumming patterns to achieve unique and different sounding Rhythms. You’ll then put those chords together to form a progression and jam along with the band. Best of all, as the teacher in the video plays, your Fretlight 5 lights up exactly what he’s playing. No more guessing where he’s putting his fingers. Fast, easy and fun!


  • Holding the Pick
  • Strumming Patterns
  • Playing in Time
  • Changing Chords
  • Rhythm Accents

Also includes 8 practices sessions and 2 jam tracks!

Approximate running time 40 minutes


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